BoxOfficeDay gives the latest news of box-office collections of Bollywood movies on daily basis. This portal is run and maintained by Rohit Tripathi who is author of all update articles on this website. It has horizontal menu on top of the page which has sections like News, 'You Asked Them', Actor Profiles, Movie Reviews, Records, Yearly Database, First Look and Ask a Question.
Website follows a very simple template with a latest big release picture at top, followed by Horizontal menu bar, followed by 2 column - Daily updates in blog-wise fashion and links for these individual blogs on the right side. At the bottom of the website are few links for the answers for some frequently asked questions, along with facebook, twitter and some other social app links.
This website only gives updates about big releases not about all the releases, but it does so without fail on daily basis. Also whenever a big budget movie is announced or its poster is released, this website updates about it immediately.
Website follows a very simple template with a latest big release picture at top, followed by Horizontal menu bar, followed by 2 column - Daily updates in blog-wise fashion and links for these individual blogs on the right side. At the bottom of the website are few links for the answers for some frequently asked questions, along with facebook, twitter and some other social app links.
This website only gives updates about big releases not about all the releases, but it does so without fail on daily basis. Also whenever a big budget movie is announced or its poster is released, this website updates about it immediately.
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