www.online-writing-jobs.com is website for posting and bidding for freelancing jobs online. Website has a pretty weird looking structure and it looks as if it is build in a hurry. Almost everything is placed in one page, right from header, menu, advertisements, long job menu, featured job menu and footer at the bottom. I had to scroll down to see if they are asking to me pay any money, which thankfully they were not. I started exploring the jobs mentioned by them, and few things did appear impressive to me
-- Job posting rate: Last job was a day ago, which means that website has nice user base and the projects get posted and taken regularly also.
-- Different categories of Jobs: Jobs are posted under many categories, most of the jobs are under content-writing categories.
Now getting to the business, I did tried to choose a proof-reading job and see its details. I noticed that job poster has mentioned that they will pay me via net15 pay only. I also checked other jobs then, and I noticed that they had mentioned another mode of payment. It means that this website is not going to facilitate payment to the workers here. This is quite risky since the employer can always get away by not paying to me. This had happened to me once on Freelancer.com more than 6 months ago and Freelancer.com is still asking me to wait. I choose not to go further in this website. It is real pity that this website showed a lot of promise and only the lack of 'payment facilitation' has altered my decision to not to pursue this website further.
-- Job posting rate: Last job was a day ago, which means that website has nice user base and the projects get posted and taken regularly also.
-- Different categories of Jobs: Jobs are posted under many categories, most of the jobs are under content-writing categories.
Now getting to the business, I did tried to choose a proof-reading job and see its details. I noticed that job poster has mentioned that they will pay me via net15 pay only. I also checked other jobs then, and I noticed that they had mentioned another mode of payment. It means that this website is not going to facilitate payment to the workers here. This is quite risky since the employer can always get away by not paying to me. This had happened to me once on Freelancer.com more than 6 months ago and Freelancer.com is still asking me to wait. I choose not to go further in this website. It is real pity that this website showed a lot of promise and only the lack of 'payment facilitation' has altered my decision to not to pursue this website further.
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